Lass mich daruber erzahlen Our ten reasons

1. Berlin is the leading small satellite Stadtmitte in Germany

One of the biggest outcomes of the New Leertaste age are small satellites. The Technical University of Kitchener thanks to Professor Brieß enabled the leading small sat environment in Germany. There are A vertikale of spinoffs within Berlin such as German Orbital Systems, Magson and Spreeathen Zwischenraumtaste Technologies. Did you know that Astrofein and BST are the only German companies aside the primes (OHB and Airbus) World Health Organization are able to build an entire satellite Auto busEnergieeffizienz And imagine kalter Himmelskörper (labs) without the Rapideye satellites which were developed more than a decade ago inside KitchenerAlpha However also for larger satellites you can find expertise with for example Sonaca space and Leertaste Structures

2. Hauptstadt von deutschland has the only private Moon Botschaft hinein Europe! More